
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Passion for Modest Fashion Runway Show

Calling ALL  Modest Fashion Designers & Clothing Store Owners.  The Modesty Movement is looking for you to participate in our Passion for Modest Fashion Runway Show slated for the last Saturday in April, which will be held here in sunny Orlando, Florida. This show is open to designers and store owners of all faiths and walks of life. If you are interested in particiapting and having your styles featured in the show, or would like a booth to sell your products at the show, please contact me at Thanks!

Monday, March 14, 2011

SixteenR EnVogue

This Sister has some style and flava!!!

Legal Child Exploitation....Are you FOR REAL!!!!!

I am all for building up your daughter's self esteem. I even put my own daughter in pagents (at her request, and I never make her look like these girls), because she loves to perform and be on stage, but I put her in what's called natural pagents, where the girls must look like little girls, and no makeup or provactive clothing are allowed. However, I don't understand what the hell is wrong with Mothers who transform their daughter into little burlesque performers for the sake of self esteem.....this truly sickens me. How a mother can exploit their childs innocence and beauty is beyond my comprehension when you have hundreds of perverts running around with their hands in their pants when they see photos like these.

The number one excuse I hear from the "Toddler & Tiara" moms are, well we do it to build up her self esteem. I can agree that being on stage, and performing can build up ones selfesteem, however, by making your daughter believe she has to be half naked in fornt of strangers and wear a TON of makeup just to feel good about herself is sending a horrible message, and I fear will have irrversible psycological damage in the long run.

This Mom needs to be slapped in my opinion

Is this girl 8 years old or 28???!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rock the Red Pumps Day

Today is Rock Your Red Pumps Day to raise HIV/AIDS awareness especially amoung teens. So Rock you REd Pumps (& Hijabs if you're a Hijabi)!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Eyeshadow Blending Makeup Class w/ Yours Truly

Hey everyone, just wanted to take the time to let you know that my collegue and I will be hosting a series of makeup classes in the Orlando, Florida area. These classes will be for both professional makeup artists, aspiring makeup artsits, or those who just love makeup and want to improve their skills for personal reasons. The first class will be "All About Eyes". We will go over eyeshadow blending in detail, as well as how to create a variety of looks, and much more. If you are interested in registering, please email me at BEGLAMCOSMETICS@GMAIL.COM This class in ONLY $50 ($45 in advance), and will be held March 27, 2011 @1pm

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Make Me Chic

WOW!!!WOW!!!! WOW!!!! is all I can say when I saw the shoes on this site. Excited is not the word to explain the thrill, and joy when I visited Make Me Chic website. Most all the shoes listed on the site are UNDER $30. A total bargain for those of us on a serious budget. Spring is almost here and for those of you waiting to expose you pretty little toes, and fresh pedicures, do yourselves (and your wallets) a favor by dressing your feet in these jewels of shoes. *Note: All photos from

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stylish Blog Award

After a very difficult day yesterday, I woke up this morning to check my emails as usual, and I received notice from Zainab, that I won the Stylish Blog Award.  This is such an honor, and I praise G-d for it. My blog is very important to me, as it is my wish to touch lives, and make people see the value in themselves(a lesson I had to learn the hard way, and am still learning). So a big THANK YOU to those who recognize and enjoy my blog.

7 Things About Me:

1) I like visiting new places
2) My favorite food is Pizza
3)Most people think I am way younger than what I am (and NO I'm not going to say how old I am)
4)I speak Spanish
5)I HATE when people say whatever they want to say people with no regard to  a person's feelings
6)I am a professional makeup artist/skin care professional and I LOVE to make people look BEAUTIFUL
7)I was a guest makeup artist on a television talk show

Fellow Bloggers That Deserve This Award

Modesty Theory - Alessandra Rich
I Am Style-ish
Hijab Revival
The Share Point
Hijab and Fashion On Point
Hegab Rehab
Hijab Style Guide
Welcome TO Yazzy's World
Queens of Islam - Nicole Queen
Style and Scarves
Fashioning Faith