
Monday, April 2, 2012

Pre-Ramadan Body Makeover Challenge

Today is the start of the Pre-Ramadan Body Makeover Challenge. This is a 90 day challenge to get your mind, body, and spirit right before Ramadan, insha Allah. I started this challenge, because I know what a toll  Ramadan can take on the body, and also can stall weight loss goals, if proper preparation is not made. This is also a time to focus on making up fast days, and getting the mind geared for the reason for Ramadan anyways, which is to please Allah SWT, but also for us to receive blessings, and bless others, insha Allah.

Sister Zainab Ismail, fitness and nutrition director of Nadoona, gave a wonderful talk on our Blog Talk Radio Show all about diet & exercise. She laid an excellent foundation to get started on this 90 day challenge. If you missed this talk, then PLEASE go and listen to it  before starting the 90 day fitness challenge. Also if you want more personal 1-on-1 help from Sister Zainab, please go to Nadoona website to enlist her professional services.

Below I will post the contest rules. All entries must submit all contest requirements by July 10th, 2012. The contest will run from TODAY April 2, 2012 - July 2, 2012. IF you have any questions please ask on facebook, or  email us at

Contest Rules

1. Say Bismilah
2. Go to Facebook & Like our fan page, go to our blog and follow/subscribe to our blog

... 3. Submit your before & after photo with a newspaper showing the date you started

4. Submit your before & after measurements

5. Write a 75-100 word essay about What Ramadan means to you

The contest will run from April 2,2012-July 2,2012

This is a 90 day challenge. One winner will be chosen to win a prize pack worth over $500.00, insha Allah

Please submit all entry requirements to

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